Monday, October 09, 2006

hallucination genny

i'd like to build one.
to fuel without using.

its just,
i'd like to keep all my teeth.

-hallucination genny.

i found a hole


i found a hole
heavy with an obnoxious lack of existence.

someone had their hand over it
it took mere seconds to be positive
it was there.

eyes squeezed tight so they wouldn't leak...
embarrassingly obvious there was
nothing beneath his palm.

just some remains of the outside world
coaxed then corraled then
haphazardly shoved into the abyss
floating and sinking to the salted floor.

i found a hole

he found the hole

i need to fill it.

peering down
i see
a saltflat with tear ducts
half-buried, half-eaten hearts
and helping hands
shiny objects and bits
of books
used condom and
candy wrappers
like carrion.

but maybe it isn't a hole.
maybe its isn't 3 dimensional at all.
maybe filling it isn't the objective.
i'm thinking a dirty canvas
still takes paint.